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I have been part of the digital world for over 10 years, building and creating sites and applications of all sizes. I have worked with some of the most talented people in many industries from fashion to travel to corporate organizations.

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I have worn many hats in my career – programmer, blogger, managing web director, UX designer, creative director, print designer and have worked on many email/ad marketing campaigns. I have the ability to manage a range of different projects, solve everyday work challenges and find solutions with better tools to streamline work efficiency.

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I have been a translator of the digital world to marketing teams, senior corporate management and the difficult client. I am also fluent in Spanish.

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I am a bridge for print designers to the web, understanding the difference between pixels and inches and CMYK to RGBs.

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Technology is great as it runs a big part of our lives but unplugging for a bit and exploring the world is something I daydream about everyday on a personal level. Just thinking about my next destination when I am already somewhere else when traveling is something that inspires me. Love sharing stories, lives of other cultures and discovering off the beaten path wonders. Social media is my companion to show what my experiences are all about.
